Examples of Emission Nebulae
Rosette Nebula |
Eagle Nebula |
Lagoon Nebula |
Orion Nebula |
Trifid Nebula |
Examples of Reflection Nebula
Pleiades |
NGC1973 |
NGC 6726 |
Examples of Dark Nebula
Horse Head Nebula |
Dust lanes in M20 |
The Cone Nebula |
This image of M20, the Trifid Nebula, shows an emission nebula, a reflection nebula, and dark nebula (the dark dust lanes seen against the emission nebula) |
Examples of Open Clusters:
M37 |
M38 |
Examples of Globular Clusters
M2 |
M13 |
M92 |
Examples of Planetary Nebulae
M57 The Ring Nebula |
M27 The Dumbell Nebula |
The Spirograph Nebula |
The Cats Eye Nebula |
The Hourglass Nebula |
M2-9 The Squid Nebula |